Empowering Women

When women earn, it has a positive impact on the education of their children,
on nutrition and on the health of the family members.



Self Help Groups have been formed across the villages to inform women about their basic, social and economic rights thereby enhancing their mobility within the communities while also helping them mobilize their savings.   Agriculture is the main source of livelihood in the area but scarcity of water, increased input cost and climate change have become a challenge. To address this challenge, we have set up three seed banks managed by the community including women to enable access to indigenous seeds.


Households are supported to establish small models of kitchen gardens, vegetable demonstration and horticulture units to provide adequate nutrition and food security in the face of economic upheaval.   Rakshan focuses on developing a cadre of women entrepreneurs and marketing professionals who are engaged with different activities such as running spice units and general stores, and marketing of menstrual hygiene products. Sewing centres provide women with a safe space to hone their skills, earn an income and connect with each other. 


Small scale goatry units are supported to diversify livelihood options of women and their families.    Rakshan provides access to quality healthcare through specialised health camps for women.